
Free Domestic Shipping (United States)

All orders ship within 1 - 3 business days and take 2 - 5 days to be delivered. Alaska and Hawaii orders may take up to 15 days. We offer a free shipping guarantee, which means all orders include free shipping. If your order includes multiple items, it is possible your order will be shipped in multiple packages. Once shipped, your tracking information can be found by clicking on the "Track Your Order" tab located on the header of our website. Alternatively, you can visit the tracking page directly here. 

Some deliveries can take more time in some rare cases, especially during sales events. Please refer to your tracking information once you receive it for more information about your delivery, or contact our support team at

International Shipping

Currently we do not offer international shipping for any of our products. Please check back as this is subject to change based on availability and carrier rates. 


Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should make note of it when signing for delivery.

If your item(s) arrive damaged please send photos to and we will resolve the issue immediately with a replacement or refund. 

Cancellations & Refunds

Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to cancel your order. 

We have a 30-Day Money Back Guaranteed Return Policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item(s) to request a return & full refund. If you’re not satisfied with your order for any reason, please let us know and we'll make it right.  

To start a return, contact us at After contacting us, we will send you a prepaid return label to print and download. We will cover the shipping charges of the returned item(s). Your original method of payment will be fully refunded within 2-5 business days after receiving the returned item(s).